
Welcome! Beneath this text on the main page are my most recent posts. Class projects are listed in the left column, while more personal projects are in the right column

Thermo-Fluids Engineering

I've taken extensive courses in heat transfer, more than almost all mechanical engineering undergrads at MIT do. In the spring of my sophomore year I took 2.006, also known as Thermal-Fluids Engineering II. For the final project, my partner and I designed a desalinization plant. The project goal was to make a self sustaining, environmentally friendly fresh water producing plant for a country in need such as Haiti and Chile after their unfortunate environmental disasters. We did so by designing a plant that produced 100,000 gallons of fresh water a day. Everything from the pipes to the solar panels was detailed.  Below is a link to a brief slideshow presentation explaining the system, along with a diagram.
2.006 Presentation

In the fall of my junior year I took 2.51, or Intermediate Heat and Mass Transfer. The final project for 2.51 included researching a topic of interest that relates to heat transfer. We were required to give a 8 minute presentation and write a report on our findings. I decided to study microprocessor heat sinks, in particular those used in desktop computers. My presentation and written report are available below, along with a picture of an example heatsink, and a rendering I created for it during the summer 2012.
2.51 Presentation
2.51 Report